I was hoping that I'd be able to post my progress from the vishus attack on me last Tuesday. But I cannot. You see, now it's WORSE. Rosie vishusly attacked me AGAIN. I was just minding my own business on the bed when Mom and Dad were sleeping when WHAP I caught some claws across the nose. She is a jealous kitty and does not like it when I am in her spots. :-( Maybe one day I'll learn my lesson. Or she'll become nicer. No, no...I'll just have to learn my lesson.
Resigned to a life of nose scratches,

Oh my, you poor thing! Those are bad scratch marks and I sure hope they don't hurt you. Rosie might need a date with some nail clippers!
Yikes!!!! I feel your pain Teal'c. Banshee over hear has wicked claws and isn't very sociablesometimes! I think you deserve some treats!
Purrs Shade
I am sorry you got a scratch! It looks sore. Maybe you should stay away from her spots!
Thats not nice from rosie why do you not hit her back......LOL
Or maybe must Rosie cut her nails !!
Pooooooooooor Tealc :(
Poor Teal'c, those scratches don't look like they feel very good does your nose hurt?
We think you gotta steer clear of Rosie!
OUCHIE! Those scratches look like they hurt.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Poor Teal'c. Those girls can be crazy sometimes!
Sorry to hear about you nose. It looks like you may have to just learn that Rosie wants her spot or you could cut her nails while she is sleeping ... she will never know. Shhh
Oh no! Your poor little nose! Feel better.
Ouch! Teal'c your nose looks so hurty. Maybe Rosie needs a manicure!
That looks painful:( Maybe Rosie needs to spend some quality time with the nail clippers!
Oh dear - that looks sore! Our Mom said she'll smooch it better for you. OK?
You may not always be fighting, this is not good =x
By the way ... Mom loved her little pecker pink ^^
Jas & Gi
Ouchie! I'm sorry you got another hurty!
Oh my goodness! You two need to knock it off - no fights.
Uh oh! Time for manicures and pedicures!!!!
I'm so sorry you got a hurty on your sweet little nose. I used to be very jealous of my brother, and did the same thing to him. But as time passed I got over it, and I don't whap him anymore...(much). Hopefully Rosie will get over her jealousy too. In spite of the whapping, I know Rosie loves you very much.
Oh noos. What about some self defense classes?
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