Can you guess what happened after this picture was snapped?

We are so sorry we've been away for a long, long time. Mommy got another job and is now working loads and loads at 2 jobs (though she won't complain because lots of people have ZERO jobs). We will try to post now and then despite her busy schedule. Lots has happened! But for now, here are some quick pics. We are all ok aside from missing Mommy now that she does not work at home all the time. Hope you had lots of treats for Halloween!
We did not mean to, but we told a LIE. We said we would put up videos a few days ago and we have not. Bad Mommy for not sticking to what she said. :( Our home is just going through lots of changes right now (good ones!) and we are trying to keep up. We will post pics of our pawesome toys soon, but in the mean time, here's a pic (sorry it's grainy) of someone's nose (guess who's?) Mom snapped with her phone.
Wow, I get to post again today. Three days in a row. I feel SPECIAL! We are a little bit busy today but tomorrow we have LOTS to post. We have two or three awards to display AND some pics and video of us playing with our new toys! Don't forget to check back tomorrow.
Smooches from all of us,
but mostly from me,
We are a bit late getting our post up but wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to all the catmoms out there!
Kaleb says:
I have been with Mom for 6 whole years now! Here are 6 things I love about Mom:
1. She gives me Eskimo kisses.
2. She giggles about how wet my nose is when she gives me Eskimo kisses!
3. She gives waaaaay better cuddles than Dad. He just don't do it right.
4. She calls me Handsome every day.
5. She makes sure I have plenty of food in my tummy.
6. She's fun to chase through the hallway!
Rosie says:
I have been with Mommy for 4 years even though I am 5 years old. Here are 4 things I love about her:
1. She's very warm to sleep with.
2. She has a soft voice.
3. She was very patient with me even when I was scairt of her.
4. Out of all the kitties at the shelter 4 years ago, she chose ME! So she has excellent tastes.
Teal'c says:
I have been with Mom for 3 years. Here are 3 of my favorite things about her:
1. She brushes my long furs.
2. She lets me go to every room with her all day long (I follow her everywhere!)
3. She tries her best to protect me from my vishus sister Rosie and her claws of doom.
This week's photohunt theme is In Memory. This is in memory of Mom's brother who passed away 10 months ago. He was 39 years old and had a very rare skin cancer called merkel cell carcinoma. His name is Donnie.
Donnie is Mom's oldest brother and helped teach her how to walk when she was a baby. He sent her funny monies for her to show to her class from places like Egypt and Saudi Arabia when he was stationed overseas during the Gulf War. He even took her on her very first (and only) trip to a zoo! Mom says he made the best ham and cheese omelets ever.
We got a Lovely Blog award from our furiend Noll yesterday.
This award is to introduce new blogs to your readers. Here's what you do ~ Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 or 5 (or a number in between) other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Let's see here.........
1. bluedreamer27
2. Pinky, Ash, & Boo
Mom and Dad are back from their trip. We were just looking through some of the pictures Mom took. She actually didn't take very pictures. We are surprised at this because at home she never puts the camera down! Anyway, here are some unusual things from the Ripley's Believe It or Not! museum:
A mummy from 2000 B.C. We think this is even older than Mom!
A wishing bell from the 1500s.
A fishy we would not want to mess with.
An airplane made out of matchsticks.
A Fiji mermaid! Unfortunately, the mermaid is not real. Lots of people were tricked with it back in the day, though. It was made using half a monkey skeleton attached to a fish skeleton and dyed to look old.
That is all. We hope all our furiends have a great weekend!
Hey everybuddy, it's me, Teal'c. I'm just hanging out with my brother Kaleb. Mom and Dad are going away for a few days, so we probably won't be back till Friday, either. Mom is taking the puter with her. The nerve!
Anyway, we hope you have a great week!
Oh and check out this COOL award (Bubblin' Over...see BELOW) we got from Tristan and Crikey! It is for blogs that possess a little bit of MAGIC! Rosie is pretty sure we got it due to her disappearing act in the post below. We will pass it along to our furiends at Our Catablog.
Even though I used to have vishus claws (before Mom clipped them), I am still afraid of lots of things! Here are some of them.
1. Water
2. Big dogs that come up to our window sometimes
3. Babies
4. Toddlers! (I think they are evil.)
5. The evil sucking machine (aka vacuum)
6. Brooms (Mom is not sure why I am afraid of them)
7. Weird foods (I slink away from any weird stuff, which happens to be anything other than Temptations or my regular food.)
8. The ice maker
9. The washing machine
10. Car rides
11. The vet
12. Medicines
13. Kaleb, sometimes!
I am looking a bit slimmer these days, no? I admit, I was getting a little thick a couple of weeks ago. It seems this always happens in the spring and then a few weeks later I lose those pesky ounces. Does this happen with anyone else? I'm playing a lot more now, too, so maybe all that exercise has me looking slim and trim.
I've got my girlish figure back!
We are thankful for the award that we received from our friends Pinky and Ash!
The aims of this award:
* As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
* To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
* Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it
* Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
* Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
* Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
* Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
I have to be very quiet because everyone is asleep right now. I'll let you in on a little secret, too. I was doing my nightly pillaging and found our Easter gifts. There's some primo nip and Temptations waiting for us in the morning.
Mom will be back tonight to help us visit our bloggy friends - we didn't get to yesterday. Enjoy your Easter Sunday and eat lots of treats!
In honor of me being in trouble for scratching things, here are 13 things that I have scratched:
1. My brudder Teal'c (scratched him a LOT)
2. My Mommy's hand
3. My Mommy's feet
3. The curtains
4. The carpet
5. Any and all rugs in the house
6. The sofas
7. The scratching post
8. The office chairs
9. Daddy
10. The coffee table
11. Dad's weight benches
12. The back to the exercise bike
13. Mom's favorite comforter set
Do you scratch things and get into trouble like me?
P.S. Please visit Mom's Norfolk Cats Examiner article on bringing your outdoor cat in HERE.
I am a little bit bummed today.
Mom took away the cool rubberband ball. She said something about one of them snapping and breaking...and then something about me choking on it. Mom's kill all the fun.
The only thing that cheered me up was receiving this prestigious award from the Kitty City Gazette. Thanks so much! If you haven't already checked out their site, it has the BEST kitty gossip in town.
I was hoping that I'd be able to post my progress from the vishus attack on me last Tuesday. But I cannot. You see, now it's WORSE. Rosie vishusly attacked me AGAIN. I was just minding my own business on the bed when Mom and Dad were sleeping when WHAP I caught some claws across the nose. She is a jealous kitty and does not like it when I am in her spots. :-( Maybe one day I'll learn my lesson. Or she'll become nicer. No, no...I'll just have to learn my lesson.
Resigned to a life of nose scratches,
Sorry we have not been visiting or posting the last couple of days. Mom is verrry busy with some projects that she needs to finish. We will be back tomorrow (Sunday) with a post and to visit. We miss all our furiends!
How well do you know the Three Country Cats?
Can you guess whom each tail belongs to?
Number One
Number Two
Number Three
Now think real hard and don't look at the answers till you have them in your head. Ready?
1. Kaleb
2. Rosie
3. Teal'c
Did you get them right?
We also got the Lemonade award again from a sweet kitty Jasmim. Thank you, Jasmim!
Why do you not look convinced?
I am also INNOCENT in that nose scratching incident. OK, maybe not. But he should not have taken my favorite spot.
P.S. Why do I look so chunky in this pic? I think this is possibly my most unflattering picture ever. I am not really so "thick." I just have a bad photographer.